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Results for "keyword: "service ""
Birthday of St. Teresa of Calcutta In honor of the servant of Calcutta, practice peace, silence, joy, kindness, and compassion.
On Kindness to All Creation A story about the significance of small acts.
How Not to Worry Spiritual practices to help you turn your worries into meaningful experiences.
Saint John XXIII Day Inspiring quotes from the Catholic Pope, now Saint, who opened the door to the renewal of the church.
Rabindranath Tagore in 1000 World Prayers An invitation to more joy and meaning in life.
Facing Fear Advice on lessening your fear while serving others.
Thy Will A devotional expression of the desire to do God's will.
Two Shoes A teaching story about Gandhi's imagination-induced act of generosity.
A Blessing for a Dream A prayer to awaken our commitment to repair the world.
Acknowledge People Who Serve You Expressing appreciation.